Category: Bible

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Like many Britons, I still feel the jolt of the unfamiliar when I hear the National Anthem sung as, "...God save the King". For all of my life, until a week ago, we had a queen to reign over us. So I can be forgiven for taking my time to adjust to having King Charles III as my sovereign.

Now the days are filled with colour ...

Three daleks
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How do you handle stress?

Many years ago I was sent by my employer on a stress management course. I didn't ask to attend so I guess my boss or my colleagues must have nominated me. This was curious… I didn’t feel as though I needed any training in techniques for handling stress.

Anyway, being the compliant type, I duly ...

Man rolling large wooden drum
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In 1973, Paul McCartney & Wings released the album Band on the Run. One of the songs on this classic album is Let Me Roll It. Many people have interpreted this song as an olive branch offering to John Lennon after all the bitterness arising from his song, released in the aftermath of the breakup of the Beatles, How Do You ...

Man weeping
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As one of my daily devotional habits, I am reading Matthew's gospel very slowly. Most days I only get through one or two verses, no more. My approach is to compare the text in a number of Bible versions, read what a collection of commentaries have to say about the verses in question and then make a few notes. I use Logos Bible software ...

You choose your words
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I wasn't brought up in a liturgical church such as the Church of England or the Roman Catholic Church. Since becoming a Christian at the age of thirteen, I have only been involved in non-conformist churches, all of them Pentecostal in character, if not in name. So I was bemused (and to be honest, a little amused) by a report in the Dail ...

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At the time of writing I am preparing for the Sunday service on 6th March 2022. It is the first Sunday in Lent and the topic is daily practices that embody humility. One key discipline for Christians that definitely fosters humility is that of regularly, habitually, confessing sin and receiving God's forgiveness.

In my studies I ended up in ...

Fish in a net
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Why Is Jeremiah Never Mentioned?

Mark 1:16-20 is a favourite text for uncovering the content of authentic discipleship. The call to be "fishers of men" is seen by many as a key pointer to the requirement for disciples of Jesus to find and make other disciples.

16 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and ...

Thank you text
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Another resurrected post from 2013.

Let's start with a personal confession. My children sometimes call me --- with some justification --- a "moaner". If they were Australian they would use the term "whinger". They think I complain far too much abut far too many things. It's partly a function of middle-age: life's ...

Walker on a path
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An old post from late 2013, polished up for 2022.

Back in December 2013 I was part way through a series of talks about pilgrimage. Not the kind of pilgrimage where you travel to Lourdes or some other holy location. I was talking about the journey that we are all invited to make as we grow in the Christian faith.

If by chance ...

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If Victor Meldrew had been a pastor...
...he might have been me.

The older I get, the closer I resemble the BBC TV character from One Foot In The Grave. I do believe it, but I don’t believe it!

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